
Trial Deck

Trial Deck+ Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid

November 18, 2022
Card Types
20 types of cards + 20 types (Parallel)

Every deck you purchase is guaranteed to contain one of the following!

[OFR] Frameless Cards: 2 types
[SSP] Hot-stamped Sign Cards: 1 types

Every deck you purchase has a chance to contain a hot stamped autographed card by the author of the manga series, Coolkyousinnjya! Two OFR (Over Frame Rare cards) are also available!



Exclusive Cards and Items

※ Every deck you purchase has a chance to contain a hot-stamped sign card from the following cast:

Hot-stamped author sign card by the creator of the manga series, Coolkyousinnjya!



※ 50 cards per deck, 6 decks per display
※ 8 displays per carton
※ MSRP: US$18.00 per deck

※ Rules Sheet, Playmat, and Deck Manual included.
※ The contents of each deck (excluding parallel cards) are exactly the same.
※ This product is intended for players aged 13 and above.
※ ONLY FOR SALE IN THE FOLLOWING TERRITORIES: ONLY FOR SALE FOR THE FOLLOWING TERRITORIES: Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Austria, United States of America, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Hungary, Finland, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Russia, Norway, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Malta, Croatia, Estonia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait



※The cards in this Trial Deck+ may be used together with cards that have card numbers beginning with 「KMD/」!

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