To many, the Forgers seem like an ordinary loving family; A responsible father, a caring mother together with their adorable daughter, as well as a cuddly pet!
Unknown to those around them, each member of the Forgers hides a secret and along with it, a thrilling double life hidden away in the shadows!
Let's take a closer look at what secrets the Forgers are hiding!

Anya and her best friend Becky attends the prestigious Eden Academy, Berlint’s best private school!
Anya has telepathic abilities that she uses in secret! Anya gives your characters with the "Change" ability a power boost, while also assisting you in retrieving characters you may need from the waiting room!
As Anya’s best friend, Becky is always ready to lend Anya a helping hand! Her presence allows Anya to grant a power boost to all friendly characters! She is also able to directly damage your opponent as well as retrieve characters from the waiting room!
Anya and her best friend Becky attends the prestigious Eden Academy, Berlint’s best private school!
Anya has telepathic abilities that she uses in secret! Anya gives your characters with the "Change" ability a power boost, while also assisting you in retrieving characters you may need from the waiting room!
As Anya’s best friend, Becky is always ready to lend Anya a helping hand! Her presence allows Anya to grant a power boost to all friendly characters! She is also able to directly damage your opponent as well as retrieve characters from the waiting room!

Acting as Anya's parental figures, they enjoy good social standing within their community and are considered by many to be model parents! One could almost say that they appear a little too normal!
On the stage, both of them possess an average power rating and ability. However, all is not what they seem! Both Loid and Yor Forger have the ability to “Change” into new forms during an opponent’s encore step. What does that mean?
Let’s keep an eye on them after dark…
Acting as Anya's parental figures, they enjoy good social standing within their community and are considered by many to be model parents! One could almost say that they appear a little too normal!
On the stage, both of them possess an average power rating and ability. However, all is not what they seem! Both Loid and Yor Forger have the ability to “Change” into new forms during an opponent’s encore step. What does that mean?
Let’s keep an eye on them after dark…

Under their guise of normalcy lies Westalis’s best spy and Ostania’s deadliest assassin! Using the “Change” ability, both Loid and Yor Forger are able to unlock and activate their true offensive potential!!
When Loid Forger attacks as Agent is able to deal direct damage to the opponent! If they manage to cancel the first round of damage, additional damage will be dealt in response!
Utilize to power up and push for more damage to pressure your opponent!
Under their guise of normalcy lies Westalis’s best spy and Ostania’s deadliest assassin! Using the “Change” ability, both Loid and Yor Forger are able to unlock and activate their true offensive potential!!
When Loid Forger attacks as Agent

In the secretive world of spies and assassins, information is ammunition!
Fiona’s climax combo allows the player to filter the top cards of the deck and retrieve a single character! She is also able to use the “Change” ability to swap into any character that is under her as a marker or Hospital Staff, Fiona
from the waiting room!
Sylvia locks down an enemy character when she enters the field, preventing them from fleeing! She also offers a power boost to a friendly character whenever she attacks!
It seems that daytime is coming soon…
In the secretive world of spies and assassins, information is ammunition!
Fiona’s climax combo allows the player to filter the top cards of the deck and retrieve a single character! She is also able to use the “Change” ability to swap into any character that is under her as a marker or Hospital Staff, Fiona from the waiting room!
Sylvia locks down an enemy character when she enters the field, preventing them from fleeing! She also offers a power boost to a friendly character whenever she attacks!
It seems that daytime is coming soon…