Did you catch the exclusive reveals for Sol and Ky? If you have not, then be warned of spoilers ahead!
Here’s a quick recap of the Trial Deck cards that were revealed by our content creators, and how the deck functions as a whole!
Level 0

At level 0, we have a few options to build towards our early to mid game plans. Jack-O’ & Aria: Between Existences puts herself in your memory to help trigger the effects of other cards. On top of that, if she is reversed in battle, Jack-O also helps search out another Guilty Gear character from your deck, which is relevant in all stages of the game!
Happy Chaos: Gunslinger works in tandem with I-No: Staff Interview
to bring out large bodies on stage and terrorise your opponent! For each Happy Chaos: Gunslinger
on stage, I-No: Staff Interview
gets an additional 2,000 power!
At level 0, we have a few options to build towards our early to mid game plans. Jack-O’ & Aria: Between Existences puts herself in your memory to help trigger the effects of other cards. On top of that, if she is reversed in battle, Jack-O also helps search out another Guilty Gear character from your deck, which is relevant in all stages of the game!
Happy Chaos: Gunslinger works in tandem with I-No: Staff Interview to bring out large bodies on stage and terrorise your opponent! For each Happy Chaos: Gunslinger on stage, I-No: Staff Interview gets an additional 2,000 power!
Level 1

Sol: Bounty Hunter is the bread and butter resource generator of this deck. With his climax combo
, you are able to retrieve up to 2 Guilty Gear characters from your deck each time he reverses an enemy character! Build up your resources with his climax combo
to tide over your opponent’s onslaught!
If your opponent’s characters are proving too strong to defeat with Sol, fret not, I-No has got your back! As mentioned above, I-No: Staff Interview becomes a towering character when played with Happy Chaos: Gunslinger
on the stage!
Sol: Bounty Hunter is the bread and butter resource generator of this deck. With his climax combo, you are able to retrieve up to 2 Guilty Gear characters from your deck each time he reverses an enemy character! Build up your resources with his climax combo to tide over your opponent’s onslaught!
If your opponent’s characters are proving too strong to defeat with Sol, fret not, I-No has got your back! As mentioned above, I-No: Staff Interview becomes a towering character when played with Happy Chaos: Gunslinger on the stage!
Level 2

What was that? Do you still need more firepower? Axl: Something Amiss is the right man for you! Axl: Something Amiss
is the staple 11,000 power with hand encore that ensures he sticks around to beat down any fodder characters your opponent throws at you!
Birthday Memories helps to power up your Sol that are in play, by making their attacks even more deadly! What’s more, it tosses itself to your memory, ensuring that it doesn’t become a dead draw later on in the game.
What was that? Do you still need more firepower? Axl: Something Amiss is the right man for you! Axl: Something Amiss is the staple 11,000 power with hand encore that ensures he sticks around to beat down any fodder characters your opponent throws at you!
Birthday Memories helps to power up your Sol that are in play, by making their attacks even more deadly! What’s more, it tosses itself to your memory, ensuring that it doesn’t become a dead draw later on in the game.
Level 3

These beautiful cards drawn by hungry_clicker are absolutely stunning, and form a full art clash when placed side by side!
Sol: Greatest Rival is the embodiment of “I do not need a climax combo to perform.”. Instead, Sol helps in grabbing a climax for his rival, Ky, to execute his climax combo if necessary! By himself, Sol: Greatest Rival
is able to dish out massive damage as long as Birthday Memories
is in the memory!
Ky: Greatest Rival lives up to his rival status by having a powerful climax combo
which helps you manipulate your opponent’s top-deck to your advantage!
Together, they are indeed the ultimate powerhouse duo!
These beautiful cards drawn by hungry_clicker are absolutely stunning, and form a full art clash when placed side by side!
Sol: Greatest Rival is the embodiment of “I do not need a climax combo to perform.”. Instead, Sol helps in grabbing a climax for his rival, Ky, to execute his climax combo if necessary! By himself, Sol: Greatest Rival is able to dish out massive damage as long as Birthday Memories is in the memory!
Ky: Greatest Rival lives up to his rival status by having a powerful climax combo which helps you manipulate your opponent’s top-deck to your advantage!
Together, they are indeed the ultimate powerhouse duo!