Archangel Metatron
- Expansion
- Dengeki Bunko
- Traits
- Dengeki Bunko・Being・Net
- Card Type
- Character
- Rarity
- C
- Side
- Color
- Level
- 2
- Cost
- 1
- Power
- 2500
- Trigger
- Soul
【AUTO】 Memory If this card is in your memory, during your turn, when you use "Accelerate", look at up to 4 cards from the top of your deck, choose up to 1 climax from among them, reveal it to your opponent, put it into your hand, put the rest into your waiting room, choose 1 of your characters, and that character gets +1000 power until end of turn. If you put 1 card into your hand, choose 1 card in your hand, and put it into your waiting room.
【ACT】 [Put this card into your memory] Choose 1 of your opponent's characters, and return it to their hand.
Don't worry. I'll protect you.
©KADOKAWA CORPORATION 2024 ©Reki Kawahara 2024 illustration/HIMA